Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Soleil Student Blog Week of January 26th, 2015

BG Writing by Ava G and Livia

This week in writing we are doing non-fiction and   comparing it to other genres.  You got to pick your
subject and wright as much as you know about it in two days.  We also brain stormed ideas of what non-fiction is and how to write it. In conclusion All of us had a lot of fun learning about non-fiction.  

BG Science by Livia and Ava G

In BG science we are drawing a food tower/pyramid.  what you do...
     1.    choose a animal  
      2.   then make the pyramid
      3. first individual
       4. then population(a large amount of the anamal you      picked)
biosphere(the world!)

KFC Reading by Athmar

In reading this week on M`s side, we have been reading about colonists and the history about the 13 colonies. We have been reading from books, articles and answering some questions.

KFC Writing by Giselle

This week in writing we have been working on 5-paragraph essays, and our Endangered Species projects. We have a series of 4 essays between January and March that M has assigned us. The 1st essay (which was due on January 20th, Tuesday) was already due. I hope that everybody has the 1st essay done. The next essay is due on February 3rd, and is a compare and contrast essay. You should have a partner to compare and contrast with for this essay. The essay after that is a cause and effect essay. And the final, and last essay (the 4th essay) is a “call to action” essay. You talk about how you can help your endangered specie of animal, and what groups of people are already working to save that specie.

KFC Science and Social Studies by Dorothea

In science this week we are talking about our endangered animals. We had to write an essay about our animal. Soon we will start to make posters for our endangered animals. And in social studies we are doing sail America. Sail America is a project we have to do in school about the thirteen colonies.

6th Year Math by Jack

In 6th grade math we have just finished with our Bits and Pieces book. The book (and M!) taught us how to add sales tax and percents. This will really help the 6th graders later in life because if we need to calculate tax for a meal or piece of clothing, we’ll know how to do it.

Winter Jazz Night 2015 by Antonio

Last week on Thursday all of Madrona’s Jazz Bands played at their concert. They both sounded really good. First Jazz Band II played. They played three songs including Basie Cally the Blues, Moanin and Take a Swing at this. There were a few soloist in those songs, and in Take a Swing at this the soloist got to improvise. Improvisation is where you make up a lick using the notes of a certain scale. In this song they were using the notes of the E Flat Major scale. After Jazz Band II played their songs Jazz Band I played. Jazz I played 6 songs including Topsy, Nardis, Milestones, Tenor Madness, Manteca and Sticks. They also had some soloist and improvisation, but they used the B Flat Major scale for improvisation. Overall it was a great night of music.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Soleil Student Blog Week of January 20th, 2015

BG Reading by Melia and Naomi
This week in Bubble Girafe (BG’s) reading, we are working on non-fiction packets, and are splitting up into groups to work with Kim. The first group did it on Maniac Mcgee, and the second group did it on Jim Thorpe. We are making a lot of progress and Kim is helping so much!

BG Writing by Livia and Ava G
This the  bubble giraffes are getting ready for a              
non-fiction assignment. We all got to pick topic that you know a lot about. when we were writing those papers we did not get to get to find information on the internet so we can compare that to when we learn more about it.  
KFC Reading by Amy
In KFC Reading, we’re learning about the colonial times. Soon we’re going to do something called “Sail America”, which is when we try to convince people to come to one of the 13 colonies back then. I can’t wait!

5th year Math by Giselle
This week in 5th year math we have been studying the volume of 3D figures, or three-dimensional figures. Cassie gave us a packet of homework to do this Thursday, and I believe it is due next Tuesday. Your homework is based on how you answered the small test she had us take that Thursday. We are also still working on a new Observation Calendar, figuring out how to relate Coordinate Graphs to numbers and multipaction. Be sure to finish the packet so you can hand it in on time! -Giselle : )   

Orchestra by Sarah and Dorothea

In orcrastra we had our FIRST consert.Everyone did great. Advanced played Modal Festival, and cajjen fidler. The intermedet orcistra played New Horizens, Hunters Chorus, and

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Soleil Student Blog Week of January 5th, 2015

Welcome to the first Soleil blog post of 2015! 

BG Reading by Ava G and Livia
this week  the bubble giraffes in reading are are getting together with kim and working on packets.  Each packet has a different topic like one was catwings that was a packet that we did response note on and answered questions. The response notes were for questions and sentences that give us hints about the setting. It was fun to have this packet I hope we do it again!

KFC Science by Charlotte
A Good Look at your Garbage Bin
This week in science we had a special guest come in to our classroom to teach us about garbage. Her name was Ali and she worked at the local Waste Management center. She explained where our garbage goes and how the average person  makes 4.5 lbs. of garbage a day. She taught us what goes in the recycle bin and what can’t, and what cannot be recycled. I found this to be quite interesting and useful. Did you know that as long as there is no food or liquid coming out you can recycle yogurt cups?!!

5th Year Math by Giselle
Right now in 5th grade math we are working on using fractions and we have just started a new observation calendar. Our homework that was assigned to us by Cassie last Thursday is due today, Monday. Be sure to check that you have finished both pages and that they are ready to turn in! (If you finished them early, you can turn them in early.)

6th year math by Nathanael
In 6th year math the 6th years are learning about percentage and discounts or coupons, we learned about how to change poles that have a total of votes that are not 100, and also we are learning about circle graphs. If you ask the 6th years favorite subject the will answer MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA TH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Art by Emilee and Athmar
In art this week, we have been drawing trees after they lost there brownness and turning a red/brownish color. In the background you would see a sun setting or rising sun depending on the drawers preference. We are using pastels to draw our trees.

Cocoa House by Grace

Previously, before winter break on January 12th Soleil celebrated Cocoa House. For parents don’t know what Cocoa House is, it is a winter celebration where 4th, 5th and 6th graders read poetry on a stage on Room 11 (M’s side). However, this year was a little different from last years Cocoa House because the rule was no poetry written by SHEL SILVERSTEIN! This was because our teachers, M, Cassie and Kim wanted to introduce Soleil to other poets other than Shel Silverstein. At first I thought that this was a terrible rule. I thought in my head NO SHEL SILVERSTEIN=ANGRY GRACE= UMMMMM……. WELL I DON’T REALLY KNOW... I FORGOT. Anyway, later on I found new poets I now prefer over Shel Silverstein. But, poetry isn’t the only thing we did at Cocoa House. Soleil got to have food! Such as, chips, sadly…. vegetables, wonderful fruits, donuts, cookies, candy canes and I bet you can’t guess what else………… ……………………………………………………………………Cocoa, what a surprise! For people sitting on Room 11 (Kim and Cassie’s side) got to see the Soleil Gratitude presentation. Overall, I thought Cocoa House was really fun!