Thursday, November 17, 2016

Center Happenings 10/24/16 - 11/4/16

Whimsical Gorillas Writing by Ben, Sawyer, and Nicolai

Photo by Madi, Payton, and Evelyn

For the last few weeks all 6th graders and some 5th graders have been working on personal narratives. In these narratives we wrote about a moment that means something to us. It didn’t  have to be big, or even very important, either. Our final draft was due monday. It was a good challenge and fun for most of us.

4/5 grade reading by Ava G and Annelli

In LA, the class is reading Because of Winn-Dixie, then talking about it.  After talking about what we read,  we write about it in our reading notebooks.  We also have a book for independent reading we had to pick out a book we liked from the class library.
Conferences by Livia and AJ

Portfolios from the Whimsical Gorillas conferences.
Photo by Bridget and Neha

This week was confrence week. Conference week is where we have half days for the whole week so that we can have conferences. Conferences are from 25 to 30 minutes long, and your parents and teachers talk about what the students are doing well in class, and what you need to work on.

Art by Henry and Austin

Photo by Declan and Josh K

Recently we have been doing alien writing. Alien writing is when we make a point A and a point B and we make 8-12 lines between them while make dots where the lines end. We do this twice then connect the two lines together by the dots then we use color pencils, or markers to fill the shapes. We got a final and a practice one and we're onto our final now, and we hope that the final will turn out to be Beautiful.

Bear Scare by Zane and Lowata

Photo by Colin and Aaron

This year for the Bear Scare, we are going to have new and old games in the gym. Some of things  we are keeping from older years are the haunted hallway and some games in  the gym . This year the haunted hallway was the same as last year, but things were arranged different than last year.
We interviewed people.
1.What are you for bear scare?   
2.what was your favorite thing to do at bear scare?
3.did you like the haunted house, why or why not?
First person
1. What were you for the bear scare?
“I was a witch for bear scare’’.   
2. What was your favorite thing to do at bear scare?
‘’ I liked to walk around  and get candy .”
 3. Did you like the haunted house why or why not?
    ‘’I liked everything ,except the haunted house because everybody in it kept screaming and it was very annoying.’’

The second person  Nicolai.
 1. What were you for the bear scare
“For bear scare i was a cowgirl.”
2.What was your favorite thing to do?
“I like the fishing game it was fun.”
3.Did you like the haunted house why or why not?
“Well i didn’t like it because it just wasn’t scary and i know that in previous years it was better.”

Third person Chole
1.What were you for the bear scare?
“I was a unicorn.”
2.What was your favorite thing to do?
“My favorite thing was to walk and talk to my friends.”
3.Did you like the haunted house why or why not? “It was a little good to much screaming.

Mindfulness Fridays by Gillian and Chloe

On every Friday, advanced band and orchestra go off to practice music.  The group that isn’t in advanced will be in the classroom from 12:00 to 1:00.  Group B, will stay and do mindfulness, including mindful minutes and sometimes M or Kim reads a book about mindfulness.  It is very relaxing and it keeps you ready to learn!

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Center Happenings 10/7/16 - 10/14/16

From the desk of the Supreme Editor (Cassie): We are excited to announce that students are taking on more and more responsibility in blogging.  There are four new leadership teams that 5th and 6th graders had the chance to join. Managing Editors comply the blog post onto the blogger site and post it. Executive Managers remind students to sign up for a topic, check in to make sure they are finishing their assignment and help with other managing tasks. The Creative Direction Committee choose the subjects we write about. Finally, the Material Managers oversee the check out of blogging technology and prepare flash drives and SD cards for new posts. All students have the chance to help each other learn technology skills.

Post complied by Aaron G, Henry, and Cassie

Geography by Colin and Aaron J

Photograph by Evelyn & Sofia Marie
This year for social studies we are working on Geography Map. For  Geography our class did something called Tear the world.  Which is where you try to tear the contents and put them in the correct places For some people it was a terrifying experience, for others it was a walk in the park. It was fun for most people who like geography.
We had a test about where the oceans, the continents, the hemispheres, the prime meridian, the equator, the north and south pole, and the international date line. Also we had to draw a Compass Rose, on the back there was a true or false, we listed three things you might find on a key on a map, and for extra credit we had to name 5 states in the united states like Washington. In conclusion we have had fun doing geography.

Introduction to the Blog by Bridget and Neha

   We are back on the blog once again! We are in our mentor, mentee, and learning buddy pairs for the blog and for olympics! We are so happy to be back to  blogging. We have a few 5th and 6th graders in Soliel we will interview.

  1. What’s your favorite thing about the blog?
  2. What could improve for you personally about the blog?
  3. What topic do you hope to write about?
  4. What’s your current job? (Special report, writing, photo, and editors.)
  5. What job do you hope get?

Kelvin 6th grader
Kelvin 1:
“My favorite thing about the blog is that we get to read when we’re finished.”
Kelvin 2:
“I have no idea.”
Kelvin 3:
“I have no idea.”
Kelvin 4:
“I am a photographer.”
Kelvin 5:
“I hope I get to be a special reporter.”

Abbie 5th grader
Abbie 1:
“I like to interview people because I get to know more about them.”
Abbie 2:
“Ejecting flash drives easier because it’s hard to remember how.”
Abbie 3:
“I hope to write about the Bear Scare.” (It’s a school event.)
Abbie 4:
“Special reporter.”
Abbie 5:
“My favorite job is special reporter.”

Livia 6th grader
Livia 1:

“I like being a special reporter.”

Livia 2:

“I have no idea.”

Livia 3:

“Bear Scare.”

Livia 4:
Livia 5:
“Special reporter.”

Aaron 5th grader
Aaron 1:
“Being a special reporter.”
Aaron 2:
“Writing better.”
Aaron 3:
“Bear Scare.”
Aaron 4:
“Special reporter.”
Aaron 5:
“Special reporter.”

Overall, people have barely any cons about the blog, but almost everyone in Soleil loves the blog, probably because we’re the only center in intermediate who has one! We are really lucky that we do. Anyone in the world can view our amazing blog!

Digital Citizenship by Devin and Diego .T


This is when Jason came over to talk to us about digital citizenship, right now he’s talking about what communities you are in.

picture by Jake, Ethan, and Sydney.
When you are a digital citizen you have to obey the rules of technology. Some of the rules are:

No spamming, no cyberbullying. No cyberbullying means many things in different ways. It it is a big part too being a digital citizen if you don’t cyberbully.

You are already a  digital citizen.
Also being a digital citizen is staying on track and doing what you need to do. When you are on a computer and on the internet you have something called a digital footprint which is basicly admins of the  search engine (Example is google or wikipedia) can track what you are doing on websites. So when you are a digital citizen you are responsible and friendly.

4th math by Sophie and Amelia .A


picture by Reed and Kohl

Currently in 4th grade math we are working on  Factors, Prime numbers, Division, multiplication, Ratio tables and graphs. I introduce a 4th grader here she is she will explain what Prime numbers are. Prime number are numbers that have 2 or less factor pairs. We are also noticing patterns in the calendar and got assigned spots at the carpet while we eat snack.

Class meeting, the basics by Payton, and Madi


picture by Melia and Amelia .R

   In Class Meeting, students will count off their numbers for the attendance, then we do event planning where teachers will tell us about upcoming event. After that we do announcements,  We then do the Problements box. The problements box is used for students to solve other students problems and to complement people. We will then do jokes and riddles! We also do blogging!

Potluck by Josh .K and Declan

Graphic created by Ethan and Kelvin

On October 20th, we are having a Soleil potluck in the cafeteria. There will be many varieties of foods. Like salads, pastas, desserts, appetizers, many other main dishes, side dishes, and more. Each student/parent are highly recommended to bring the food. If you really can’t, then you don’t have to. The food we are bringing will be international and cultural foods, as well as family recipes. :)

Presidential Election by Jacob and Diego .B


this poster represents about  the American votes all around the country and how it is working. Picture by Ava .D and Olivia

The Election of 2016 is coming in one month! After Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump were selected as nominees, there were Presidential and Vice Presidential debates. In the debate, they mostly talked about what they are going to do when they are President and Vice President. They also basically insulted each other just to persuade others on what they think of them.

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

6th Grade Graduation Pictures

On June 21, 6th graders graduated and will be moving onto 7th grade. 6th grade graduation was very exciting and emotional because we were all excited, but sad to leave Soleil. We had so much fun and will miss Soleil. 

Center Happenings 6.22.16

This is our last post of the year! Have a great summer! this is a website made by Aaron G. It is about his cat.
This is the link to Giselle's website: Please visit it! (She was inspired by the blog!)

Washington Primary Results
By: Jacob and Nicolai

Image result for washington primary results
Photo Found By Joey & Devin

After the Washington State Caucus on May 24, Bernie Sanders won the Democratic with 74 delegates. Donald Trump, (Already in the presidential nominee) won with 40 delegates (winner take all). Currently, Hillary Clinton (in the democratic party) is winning with 2,309 delegates. 540 are superdelegates. Followed by Bernie Sanders 1,539 delegates. 42 are superdelegates.

Photo by Alexa And Francine
Art Walk and Auction

By Amelia & Ava

Every year Madrona has a school art walk, at the art walk you present the art that you have done over the year.  Also at the art walk there is an auctionand at the auction  At the auction for the 1one sold to 30 and 2 on sold for 47 we had few things that we're not sold by the end

Reflecting on the year
Payton and Naomi
Picture by Braeden
During the year we have had lots of fun. 180 days to be exact. We had laughs and cries we had hopes and doughts. But in the end we had a blast. Thank you teachers, thank you students. All of them mean so much to us. We had Art, Math, Science, social studies and LA. The teachers Kim, M, Cassie are the best teachers ever! We love you! -Students of Soliel


Picture by Sydney P. and Sofia Marie

By Kohl And Isa

Our final project of the year in art is a sun. The sun is supposed to represent energy and positivity. This project will take us weeks because it is very complex and has many layers. The first layer is the sky which will be a shade of light blue. The second step is to paint the sun, the sun can be orange or yellow or we had the choice  to mix the colors. After that we did a big or small swirl(in white) anywhere on the sun and put a black dot in the middle. The projects look beautiful so far, but we’re still not done. We painted wooden letters, that spelled positive words that meant something to the people in our class, yellow or pink, with those letters we will paste them to the canvas. The very last layer to our project is the sun rays. These rays are supposed to show the difference of each person in our class. In conclusion, this project will be meaningful and worthwhile.


By Colin And Austin
This week in PE we have been making up our own games or making changes to games we already knew. We have been playing some of these student made games during PE and it has been really fun! We have been learning how to improve these games as we play them. This was a interesting project in PE and it was interesting to try something new.

Here are some pictures of the creations students made on the last day of school.

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Mega Special Report

Teacher’s Appreciation Week

By Amy and Braeden

    May  2th-6th is Teacher Appreciation Week, and Soleil has made special cards for some teachers like Mr. Cho, Mr. Louis and Kim Zimmerman. The cards are vases filled with paper “3-D” flowers made from construction paper. Everybody in the class signed the cards, happy to have our teachers at Madrona.

What Kids in Soleil Like         By: Naomi & Payton

‘Q1: What’s your favorite song/artist?
Ava: Ice JJ Fish
Ben: Hello by Adele

Q2: What’s your favorite book?
Ava: Divergent
Ben: 7th Harry Potter

Q3: What’s your favorite food?
Ava: Guacamole
Ben: Pizza

Q4: What’s your favorite animal?
Ava: Otter
Ben: Peacock

Q5: What do you do for fun?
Ava: Watch Netflix
Ben: Play soccer

And that’s what kids in Soleil! 

 Interviews about next year
by Livia and Isabella

Why is Madrona Awesome?

We asked a few Soleil students about what they think about Madrona (our school) here are the questions we asked them. Why is Madrona awesome? What’s your favorite thing that’s different from other schools in Madrona? We also asked them What’s your favorite thing in Madrona that’s also in other schools?

Our interviews:

Us: “Why is Madrona awesome?”

Student: “Madrona’s awesome because there’s a lot of fun activities that our school does.”

Us: “What’s your favorite thing that’s in Madrona that’s different from other schools?”

Student: “How there’s a band room.”

Us: “What’s your favorite thing in Madrona that’s also in other schools?”

Student: “There’s the woods and you can walk through it and ride bikes in the woods.”


Us: “Why is Madrona awesome?”

Student: “It’s got a good music program, good homework, and they keep us safe.”

Us: “What’s your favorite thing that’s in Madrona that’s different from other schools?”

Student: “I really like how it’s a community”

Us: “What’s your favorite thing that’s in Madrona that’s similar to other schools?”

Student: “Good P.E.”


Us: “Why is Madrona awesome?”

Student: “Madrona’s awesome because you get to hang out with friends and it’s fun learning.”

Us: “What’s your favorite thing that’s in Madrona that’s different from other schools?”

Student: “Having two recesses in intermediate.”

Us: “What’s your favorite thing that’s in Madrona that’s similar to other schools?”

Student: “Being able to learn in a nice environment in a nice community.”


Us: “Why is Madrona awesome?”

Student: “During classes if you are picking groups the teachers let you pick most of the time so you can be with your friends.”

Us: “What’s your favorite thing that’s in Madrona that’s different from other schools?”

Student: “I like that the teachers usually let’s us choose between different choices.”

Us: “What’s your favorite thing that’s in Madrona that’s similar to other schools?”

Student: “There’s a lot of fun events. For an example, the Art Walk.”

Overall everyone who we interviewed said really positive things about our school, because Madrona is an amazing place for learning and making new friends!

                                         What did people like?
By Amy and Braeden
  We all know that Camp Cedar Springs had fun classes,  so a lot of people liked different things. But which one was liked the best? Here are the results!

-Student forestry 2
-Rock climbing 13
-Salmon 3
-Owl prowl 3
-Stream life 2
-Compass 2
-Geocaching 6
-Archery 15
    Overall, Archery was everyone’s favorite class, Rock Climbing was second, and Geocaching was third. No matter what, all of these classes were pretty fun! So, what was your favorite class?

Don't Share Food
By Ben and Joshua

Olympic Medals

Olympics is a subject in Soleil that is like a book report usually on 3 books. Right now we are doing the Gold Medal (Unicorns), the Sapphire Medal (H.I.M.P’s), and the 5th graders(H.I.M.P’s) are doing their last medal which they get to chose which medal they will do and they can even make up their own medal.
The Sapphire Medal is a Medal in which you have to read 3 books 1 can be whatever you want but the other 2 must also be made into a movie and have to chose one of those to present in front of the class showing differences and similarities in the book and the movie.
        The Gold Medal is a Medal that you choose a topic that could be anything (,place, person, item, landmark, etc.) but you have to find two non-fictional books and the third one has to be about your topic but could be fictional.
These are just 2 of the Olympic Medals and there are many more, like the Bronze Medal, Silver medal, Pearl, Ruby, Jade, and many more.

Intermediate Camp
We are interviewing people before our intermediate camp. We are interviewing them about what they are looking forward to, and what they hope they are going to learn.


Passion  Project  Interview


Question: What are you doing your Passion Project on?
Answer: Tae Kwon Do

Question: Why are you doing that subject?
Answer:  I am doing Tae Kwon do, and I have been doing a class on it, and I have really liked it so far so I thought I would do my Passion Project on it.

Question: What are some of the moves you have learned?
Answer:  There is a front kick, there’s the low block, inside block, outside block, the ax kick, and there are….many more, though.


Question: What are you doing your Passion Project on?
Answer: Service dogs.

Question: Why are you doing that subject?
Answer:  I really like service dogs, and I have liked them for a long time, I have always wanted to learn more about them.

Question: What types of service dogs are there?
Answer:  Autism awareness dogs, seeing dogs, hearing dogs, seizure alert dogs, and millions more.  


Question: What are you doing your Passion Project on?
Answer: Why we cry.

Question: Why are you doing this subject?
Answer:  Because I wanted to know how tears work.

Question: Can you tell us some of the reasons of why we cry?
Answer:  Emotions, fumes from onions, and when we get things inside of our eyes.

Sports Interview
By Kelvin

Sapphire Medal Interview

Bam: What Book are you doing for your Sapphire Medal Presentation?

Ben: I am doing the Swiss Family Robinson.

Bam: What is the book about?

Ben: The book is about this family that was stranded on a island. And they had to survive Pirates and wild animals like snakes, tigers and alligators. After about 2 years, the eventually get off the island with the help by the Marines.

Bam: Thank you for your time.

Bam: What book are you doing for your Sapphire Medal Presentation?

Billy: I am doing mine on a Series of Unfortunate Events by Lemony Snicket.

Bam: What is the Plot of the book?

Billy: The plot of the book is about a group of three siblings that were rich, but then their parents died in a fire. They have go to the closest relative, which is a man named Count Olaf. The Count wants to steal the fortune that their parents left behind and will do anything to accomplish the task. The kids must Olaf before he does something horrible.

Bam: Thank you for your time.

Bam: What Book are you doing for your Sapphire Medal Presentation?

Giselle: I’m am doing my book on Sarah’s Key.

Bam: What is the plot of the book?

Giselle: The book takes place in World War II when the Nazis are trying to overtake Europe. Sarah is a young girl who lives in a house with her mother, father and younger brother, Michel in a apartment in France. Her mother and father never suspected that the French Police would try to take them away to concentration camps, because they are Jewish. They get taken away to the Vel D'hiv, which was a stadium that would be originally used for soccer, but was being used to house Jews before they went to a transit camp at Bergen Belsen. In the end, Sarah escapes from the transit camp, but her parents die at the concentration and brother died in a cupboard that she thought would conceal him from the Nazis. Her story ties in with the journalist Julie Jarmond. Julie discovers Sarah’s story but then finds out that Sarah has committed Suicide After world War II.

Bam: Oh, thats nice, well, thank you for your time.

What people think of the future in Summer and School
By Amy and Braedan

  We interviewed some 6th graders, Alexa and Saki, for what they think of the future of summer and school, and this was what they thought!

1.   Q: What are you excited for the rest of the school year?
         Alexa: I’m excited about hanging out with my friends going to the 6th grade pool party, and the 6th grade graduation.
         Saki: Pool party, the graduation party, and Passion Projects!
   2.   Q: Are you excited for summer? What will you do?
         Alexa: Yes, I’m excited for summer. I’ll be going to Hawaii, I’ll be building a treehouse with my friend, and having a sleepover in there with them.
         Saki: Yeah, I’m excited. I’m just going to stay home.

   3.   Q: Are you ready for middle school?
         Alexa: Nope. I’m scared. I think I won’t get good grades at the long-term projects because I’m bad at them. :(

         Saki: Not really.