Whimsical Gorillas Writing by Ben, Sawyer, and Nicolai
Photo by Madi, Payton, and Evelyn |
For the last few weeks all 6th graders and some 5th graders have been working on personal narratives. In these narratives we wrote about a moment that means something to us. It didn’t have to be big, or even very important, either. Our final draft was due monday. It was a good challenge and fun for most of us.
4/5 grade reading by Ava G and Annelli
In LA, the class is reading Because of Winn-Dixie, then talking about it. After talking about what we read, we write about it in our reading notebooks. We also have a book for independent reading we had to pick out a book we liked from the class library.
Conferences by Livia and AJ
Portfolios from the Whimsical Gorillas conferences.
Photo by Bridget and Neha
This week was confrence week. Conference week is where we have half days for the whole week so that we can have conferences. Conferences are from 25 to 30 minutes long, and your parents and teachers talk about what the students are doing well in class, and what you need to work on.
Art by Henry and Austin
Photo by Declan and Josh K |
Recently we have been doing alien writing. Alien writing is when we make a point A and a point B and we make 8-12 lines between them while make dots where the lines end. We do this twice then connect the two lines together by the dots then we use color pencils, or markers to fill the shapes. We got a final and a practice one and we're onto our final now, and we hope that the final will turn out to be Beautiful.
Bear Scare by Zane and Lowata
Photo by Colin and Aaron |
This year for the Bear Scare, we are going to have new and old games in the gym. Some of things we are keeping from older years are the haunted hallway and some games in the gym . This year the haunted hallway was the same as last year, but things were arranged different than last year.
We interviewed people.
1.What are you for bear scare?
2.what was your favorite thing to do at bear scare?
3.did you like the haunted house, why or why not?
First person
1. What were you for the bear scare?
“I was a witch for bear scare’’.
2. What was your favorite thing to do at bear scare?
‘’ I liked to walk around and get candy .”
3. Did you like the haunted house why or why not?
‘’I liked everything ,except the haunted house because everybody in it kept screaming and it was very annoying.’’
The second person Nicolai.
1. What were you for the bear scare
“For bear scare i was a cowgirl.”
2.What was your favorite thing to do?
“I like the fishing game it was fun.”
3.Did you like the haunted house why or why not?
“Well i didn’t like it because it just wasn’t scary and i know that in previous years it was better.”
Third person Chole
1.What were you for the bear scare?
“I was a unicorn.”
2.What was your favorite thing to do?
“My favorite thing was to walk and talk to my friends.”
3.Did you like the haunted house why or why not? “It was a little good to much screaming.
Mindfulness Fridays by Gillian and Chloe
On every Friday, advanced band and orchestra go off to practice music. The group that isn’t in advanced will be in the classroom from 12:00 to 1:00. Group B, will stay and do mindfulness, including mindful minutes and sometimes M or Kim reads a book about mindfulness. It is very relaxing and it keeps you ready to learn!