Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Soleil Student Blog - Week of February 16th - 20th

BG Reading by Livia and Melia

This week in reading we are trying to get 25,000 mins.of reading from the BG so we can get a reading party on Dr.Seuss’s birthday!

P.S read more and write your mins. in your planners  

5th Year Math Calendar February Data on Area of Common Items. Photo by Saki

KFC Writing by Giselle

This week in writing on the KFC side, (Kool Fun Cookies) we are working on the third essay that was assigned to us. This essay was due this Thursday, but M was not yet back from her trip to Olympia, so we discussed the essay on Friday.  Hopefully all of you have the final draft of their third essay done, so you can turn it in fully finished to the KFC writing box. Make sure that you have checked your essay for mistakes, such as talking too much about causes and repeating the same sentence in the same way, over and over again. If have absolutely no idea of what to say, and are at a complete loss of words, you are allowed to write a  only three or four paragraph essay.  

Friendship Party by Ezra

 Friendship Note Boxes. Photo by Ezra

More Friendship Note Boxes. Photo by Ezra

Part of the food table. Don't worry the treats where at the end of the table. Photo by Erza

At our friendship party, we ate lots of yummy food and shared some amazing talents.  We spent most of the time listening and laughing with our performers, and had a great time.  Everyone sharing their talents were wonderful, and we all had fun. Some of the talents were lip syncing, violin, guitar, piano, some skits, and many more. We had a few people drawing and making cards after eating their food. We had lots of volunteers come and help us, (thank you volunteers!) and that made everything possible. We had a fun time, with lots of delicious food and awesome talent to top it off. Everyone made a box and decorated it for the party, and some people brought in candy and cards to pass out in the boxes. All in all, we all had a great time. Hope you all had a great valentines day!

STEM In-House Field Trip by Amy and Emma W

On Wednesday, Madrona had an in-house school field trip! We learned about atoms, touched fossils, and observed rocks.

Students get tuned up for Advanced Orchestra. Photo by Dorothea.

Beginning Orchestra by Isabella and Chloe

In Beginning Orchestra we are learning the A string notes for our May concert.  The last time we went to practice, almost  all we did was test the A string note for our May concert.  We are practicing the Mozart Melody.  Mozart Melody is the head song we are playing for our concert.  Our AMAZING teacher Mrs. Nelson is teaching us so many AMAZING things like how to remember certain notes, and reviewing the D string notes that we already learned.  Beginning Orchestra is SUPER FUN and I suggest to play an Orchestra instrument like a violin, viola, bass, cello, or any other stringed instrument!

BTW, Mozart Melody is Twinkle Twinkle Little Star!

We had a few more visitors at Class Meeting on Friday!

Bill Gates shares about his life.

Stan Lee tells the class about his work with Marvel Comics.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Soleil Student Blog - Week of February 9th - 13th

Welcome to another blog post!  This week's pictures were taken by Saki.

BG Reading by Kelvin

This week we have been reading articles on endangered species. we have read a single article on our species that we are taking notes on. We got to choose from three animals: The Woodland Caribou, The Leatherback Turtle, and The Northern Spotted Owl.

Highlighting nonfiction articles

BG Writing by Ava G and Livia

This week in writing we are learning how to take notes on articles. the articles are about endangered species which we are also studying in science. we we have taken notes on 4 different articles and one of them was a test. We got to pick one of three animals, the Leather Back turtle, the Spotted  Owl or the Caribou. In conclusion we had a fun and productive week in B.G. writing!!!!!!!!!

KFC Reading by Dorothea

For reading we have our olympics. Some people are doing the diamond or ruby medal. Others are working on their sapphire medal. Incase you didn’t know, for the sapphire medal we have to read three books. Two of them have to have movies made off of them. you need to choose one of the book that were turned into and make a powerpoint or prezi comparing and contrasting the book and movie.

Ruby Medal Presentation

KFC Writing by Giselle

 This week we are working on getting our first draft of the 3rd essay done, so we can discuss our essays in class and get feedback on our essays so far. Our 3rd essay is due next  Thursday, on the nineteenth. We moved the due date from the eighteenth to the nineteenth because Wednesday, the eighteenth was too busy with the Friendship party and the Stem in house field trip to discuss our essays. Our third essay is a cause and effect essay, and you can either make it a four paragraph essay or a five paragraph essay, depending on how  much information you have.

KFC Science by Emma C

KFC (Kook Fun Cookies) has started to think about what our endangered species posters will look like. We wrote two essays, and our next one is due on 2/19/15. Our first essay was about one specific animal’s main causes for endangerment. Our second essay was a compare and contrast essay about two animals endangerment. In our third essay, we will write about causes and effects for the endangerment of our original animal and their habitat. For our last essay, which we have not done yet, we will write about a call to action. Our call to action essay will be full of opinion, which the KFC has been desperately wanting to write with since the first essay. All in all, make sure you are ready to turn in your essays!

5th Year Math by Ezra

This week in 5th grade math, we are working on multiplying fractions. We just recently finished up a short quiz about it. Now we are working on finding out the dimensions of squares and rectangles. We just started this with Cassie, and it is already really fun. We got a small slip of paper that is about our new topic, (dimensions for squares and rectangles) and it was given to us as  homework on 2-12-15, which is due after our long break on Wednesday.

6th Year Math by Charlotte

The 6th graders are finishing up the ratio unit and beginning to work on the algebra unit. We have been working out of the expressions volume 2 Homework and remembering book. The remembering questions say “ 4.5*11=n” did you get the answer? it’s 49.5. A question out of the homework side is “7/4=12/a a=___ the correct answer is 6.8 it’s okay that one was much harder. We have been sharing our ways to problems like that Jack talked about cross multiplying and I said I used a factor puzzle.

What would you say?

Poll of the Week by Amy and Amelia

This week, we did a poll on UFOs and what would you say if you saw one! Unfortunately, we didn’t get many results, but here they are!
Choice 1: “I saw a UFO!”
3 classmates would say this choice.
Choice 2: “I saw a martian inside a UFO!”
1 classmate would say this.
Choice 3: “I saw flashing lights on a UFO!”
1 classmate would say this.
Choice 4: “I have no idea what I saw!!”
1 classmate would say this.
Choice 5: Nothing. You fainted.
5 classmates would say this.
Choice 6: Other
15 classmates would say something else!
What would you say?

Advanced Orchestra by Emma W

In Advanced Orchestra, the songs we are working on is Dragon Hunter, Cripple Creek, The Voyage, Hunters Chorus.At our last concert, we finished up Modal Festival, which we are not working on anymore.

Monday, February 9, 2015

Soleil Student Blog - Week of February 2nd - 6th

Hello! Please get those opt out forms in. We want to feature your student's work on the blog!

KFC Writing by Ezra
In KFC writing, we are working on endangered animal writing. We are doing multiple 4-6 paragraph essays that are due throughout these few months. We are supposed to get in small groups of 3-5 people, then all agree on one specific endangered animal, for example, the Loggerhead Sea Turtle is a endangered species. We do research on them for about 3 weeks, then we write our first 5 paragraph essay on why that specific animal is endangered.

KFC Social Studies by Elias
In social studies we have been studying about the 13 colonies and we have been doing pre tests and quizzes. When we did our first little quiz people were very confused and most people got only 3-5 colonies to name. We have been studying hard and are now trying to spell the states and now we know what colony to name pretty well.

4th Year Math by Naomi
This week in 4th grade we working on coordinate planes, we were taught to start with the X-axis then go to the Y-axis or in other words: walk before flying. M is helping so much she is the best teacher ever!!!    

Picture taken by Alec

If you would eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be?
I interviewed lots of classmates this week and here are the results of the poll!

Choice 1: Macaroni and Cheese
3 kids chose this option.(I am one of them!)
Choice 2: Hamburgers
5 kids chose this option.
Choice 3: Kit Kats
2 kids chose this option.
Choice 4: Pizza
8 kids chose this option.
Choice 5: Other
21 kids chose this option!!!!!!
What choice would you choose???

Jimi Hendrix by Antonio
This week on friday the 6th, someone did a monologue on Jimi Hendrix came for a monologue (it was me). He talked about his life and what he did with it and how he contributed to the world. At the end he played his guitar that he “stole” from Antonio, but luckily he didn't light it on fire. Heres a little clip of him performing.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

January Birthdays by Caswell

happy birthday balloon banner.jpg
To these very lucky people
Joshua Kretz
Nathanael Perdomo
Elias Perdomo
Austin Goodnight
Amelia Andress

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Soleil Student Blog Week of February 2nd, 2015

KFC Reading by Amy
In KFC reading, we’re studying colonial times back then. Recently, KFC did a readers’ theater and might change plans to do something called “Struggle for Independence” which is more about the American Revolution instead of Sail America, which is learning about the colonial times back in the 1600s or so. If you like to learn, go ahead and research about colonial times and such. You’ll be interested for sure!!:D

KFC Writing by Giselle
This week in KFC (Kool Fun Cookies) writing we are working on the second of the four 5-paragraph essays that M assigned us.  The second essay is a compare and contrast essay, and requires that you get together with somebody else and write down the similarities and comparisons and differences of your animal’s threats and endangerments and threats. The second essay is due on the 3rd of February, this Tuesday. Also, this Tuesday, the whole Diamond (or Ruby Medal, depending on which one you chose) Medal is due. If you know that you are not going to be turning in your Olympics or your 5-paragraph essay on time, you have to talk to M so you can get an extension.

4th Year Math by Josh
This week we are working on angles and how one number, now matter how big it gets, never reaches another number. About 3 months ago, we were working on parallel lines and perpendicular lines. Math has been allot of fun lately, but i think one page of homework due the next day would be nice.

Art by Charlotte
This week in art we are working on our food tower\ pyramid. at the very top is the individual or the single living thing, the next one down is the community or a group of interbreeding organisms living in the same area, after that is the ecosystem or the community plus the abiotic landscape, after that is the biome or several similar ecosystems that have similar species and climate, finally is the biosphere, this means the WORLD!!!!!(all the biomes ever)

Recycling Report by Amelia and Emilee
This week in the recycle committee  we noticed that people are throwing food in the recycle. Now for the compost people they are dumping juice and milk containers into the compost instead of the garbage.

Advanced Band by Jack
In Advanced Band we had our concert a few weeks ago. At the concert we played Gypsydance, Atlantis and In the Hall of the Mountain King. Our next concert is on February 24th at EWHS. At the concert we will also be playing with other schools. We are playing Appalachian Folk Dance and Krazy Klock Rock. The concert is on February 24th at Edmonds Woodway High School. Be there!

12th Man Celebration by Emma W

Last Friday, the whole school showed their seattle seahawks spirit! There were all the students wearing their seahawk colors and jerseys. Some middle schoolers had cameras and walked through the halls and the students who were in the halls yelled, cheered, and really showed spirit! Then, we all followed the cameras to the gym to make a big 12! (we were going to make the seahawks logo, but it didn’t turn out well.)