Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Soleil Student Blog - May 4th - 15th

KFC Social Studies by Emma

This week in KFC social studies, we are working on the Boston Harbor art piece for Art walk. We have students signed up to add something to the Harbor, like a house or shop that they made. If you come to the Art walk, you can see the creative, beautiful artwork that our school/center has made!

What parts of lunch is your child eating?

Lunch Monitor Update by Amelia and Lowata

At lunch what are your kid really eating the things you are giving them? We had more than 10 apples thrown away in a day in the trash!! Also in 5 hot lunches we get 6 things that been not eaten. So ask your kids what they are eating at school every day so we don’t waste food. Plus do you know where your food goes? Well it goes into a landfill. Also plastic is a bad thing in the world. Plastic can kill animals and plants sometimes people. So if you see garbage, milk jugs, or anything that is plastic pick it up please. Even if it’s on hills outside pick it up.

Making arcade games gives students a chance to use their brains a different way after testing.

BG Reading by Kelvin

This week we have been having ours SBAs and building our arcade. For the arcade we have groups of 4 to 5, and the art walk is on the 21st, at 6:30 to 8:00. The SBAs ended on the 13th.  

KFC Writing by Ezra

In KFC Writing we are working on our Boston Harbor backdrop. KFC just finished our last and final test for History. 5th grade is doing their last medal of the year, the Choice Medal. This medal gives all the 5th years a choice of all the medals they have done so far in Soleil. While the 5th years will work hard on this, the 6th years are working on their Passion Project. We have been doing the SBA tests and some MSP science and math, so most of our Language Art’s work is being used as testing time. Thanks M for a great Language Arts!

KFC Reading by Giselle

This week in KFC Reading we kept working on the puppet play backdrop for the artwalk, which is this Thursday. Sophia was assigned to draw and create the roads, so today they are completed and ready for the art walk. We are not yet finished with attaching and gluing houses onto the backdrop, and most of the people who signed themselves up to make them have not finished the houses yet. Sydney P. and I also finished drawing pastel clouds on the backdrop. Hopefully we will all finish constructing our houses and applying all of them onto the backdrop by the art walk.

Students are excited to work on new math concepts!

5th Year Math by Saki and Emilee

We are learning how to multiplying decimal by whole number, and more stuff about decimals.

SBA Testing Update by Jacob

Last week we started taking the Smarter Balance Assessment or the SBA. The 4th graders had 4th grade students from Renaissance come to do testing in Kim and Cassie's room. The 5th graders had Summit over to test with them in M's room. The 6th graders had to go to Renaissance, Fusion, or Summit for testing. Two weeks ago, we did training and practice tests. Last week we did real English and Language Arts tests. This week , we just did math tests. The 5th graders will do the science MSP this week and next week.

Our arcade games are starting to come together.

There are lots of chances to problem solve together. 

 Students presented their games to get feedback.

There is lots of hands on learning about construction happening.

Art by Ava G and Ava D

this week in art we are doing the soleil arcade. A soleil arcade is made for the madrona artwalk. This is the second time soliel will be doing this arcade. All of Soleil watched a video about the last soleil arcade. Aso B.G. watched a video called Caine's arcade. We will be making the games out of cardboard.  There are different groups too. Each group will make their own separate game. The arcade will be about garbage and saving the planet. So in conclusion this week we will be making games for the Soleil art walk on May 21, 2015 YAY!

Beginning Orchestra by Chloe

 In beginning orchestra we are practicing mozart melody, frere jacque, simple square dance, old mc fiddle and allegro.  Our teacher Miss. Nelson is a great orchestra teacher.  iN OUR ORCHESTRA WE HAVE NOT JUST VIOLINS, BUT ALSO CELLO, BASS, AND VIOLA.  There is 1 bass, 2 cello, and 2 violas.  Our orchestra tries really hard to be good at their instrument.  

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Bubble Giraffe Endangered Species Infographics

This winter and spring the Bubble Giraffes were hard at work learning about a few of the animals that are threatened or endangered in Washington State.  Students read non-fiction articles, practiced taking notes, and selecting what information to share. 

 After students became experts about one of three animals, leatherback sea turtles, northern spotted owls, or woodland caribou, they made infographics.  Students learned some basics of graphic design, how to distill information to the most important facts, and the importance of editing everything they write.

Check out the Infographics after the jump. They are mostly in alphabetical order by first name. 

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Student Blog Post April 2015

BG Reading by Kelvin

At school we have been reading about endangered species. We have been watching nature videos each week.

BG Writing by Melia

This week in BG writing, we are working on our last medal for Olympics, the Gold Medal. We have to do the medal on Non-Fiction books, do an Annotated Bibliography and a 5 Question Test as usual, but, this time we have to do something much bigger than normal; A Research Paper which is super difficult, but the BG’s  can handle it, because Kim is doing such a great job telling us how to do it! YAY! See you later! <3 Melia

KFC Writing by Emma W and Isa

In KFC writing we are working on the “Who are the Americans” and “The war begins” packets. In those packets we are answering questions about the American Revolution. Occasionally we read extra articles (that have to do with the American revolution) and write paragraphs about them. One we wrote went like this “Before reading this article I thought…” and “After reading this I thought…” and then we wrote “In conclusion…”.

KFC Reading by Sid

This week in KFC reading we are working on the “Who are the Americans” packet and “The War Begins” packet. We have to take a lot of notes to prepare for the final test. After each packet we read, we have to answer some questions and/or write a paragraph, about what we learned about the Revolutionary War. We are working hard and learning tons about the Revolution. With help from LIBERTYS    KIDS.

KFC Social Studies by Athmar

This week in social studies we have been continuing our progress in learning about the Revolutionary War. We have been doing that by reading articles, watching more episodes pn liberty kids while taking notes, and writing paragraphs at the end of our reading. Our test is next Thursday. Make sure to bring ALL of your Liberty Kids notes! They are your best source for the test! I should be a breeze if you were paying attention to the facts and lessons that were being taught. If not, bring your Liberty Kids notes ( and your brain) They will help you alot!

5th Grade Math by Jacob

We started Exponents and multiplying and dividing decimals Kim, like, 104 = 10,000. Also we finished Volume with Cassie and finished our sculptures. Does 57= 78125? True or false?

4th Year Math by Joey

This week we are working on multiplying and dividing fractions. We also finished our math calendar with perimeter and area.

BG Science by Ava G

This week in B.G. science we learned about how the earth was made. Last week we watched a video,

Beginning Orchestra by Mira

Beginning Orchestra is getting ready for their concert on May 14,and are going to be playing 5 songs. Although we are all having fun  we are also very busy learning the rest of our songs.

Spring Jazz Night by Antonio

On thursday april 23, 2015 madrona had a spring jazz concert at Edmonds Woodway High School. Madrona’s jazz bands I and II played with Edmonds Woodway High schools jazz band III finishing off the show. Madrona’s jazz band II played first and they played the songs It Don't Mean a thing (If It Ain't Got That Swing), Caravan and Killer Joe. Madrona’s jazz band I played next playing Groovin’ Hard, A Night in Tunisia, One O’clock Jump, Groovin’ High and Sticks.
Edmonds Woodway High School’s jazz band III finished the show playing In a Mellow Tone,

Art by Bam

Last week in art we made Solis. Solis are like little kitchen witches. We made them out of pipe cleaners and hollow wooden balls. The students made them for a parent, guardian or older sibling. It was very exciting and we all had fun.

Soleil Food Drive

Food drive!
By Emillee & Athmar

  Our food drive was held from April 20-25th. Our goal for the Soleil classroom was 60 cans! The organization we are donating the food too is Northwest Harvest. We came up with the idea by seeing the poor and thinking what  can we do. As I was once told, “You can make a difference by stopping to thinking”. We thought this was important to Soleil because it showed them that even the littlest cans to the biggest package of cans counts in someone else's life! 

The first day was exactly what we expected. 0 cans. We were ok with that because it was only the first day and we knew we could do it after a reminder. Then the second day came and we still had 0 cans. We were a little surprised but we still had time so we were still thinking good thoughts.. Then when the 3 day came rolling around we still had 0 cans. Emillee and I were getting kinda anxious for those cans. But we sent out an email and a reminder to all parents and students! 

Progress chart at the end of the day Wednesday.

Cans at the end of the day Wednesday.

Then the 4th day came and we had about 25-30 cans in the box! We reminded the kids what the purpose was and what we expected one more time! 

Chart at the end of the day Thursday. 

Cans at the end of the day Thursday.

Then the last day came out and hit us in the face! We had a big turnout. We reached 49 cans by the morning. We still did not reach our goal though. 

Amount of cans at the beginning of school on Friday.

But some kids came in late and brought 52 cans total! We then reached 96 cans!! We definitely reached our goal and passed it big time!  

All 92 cans! 

We made our goal!

We were very happy about our big turn out! Something that was challenging was that the cans came in really late and that got us really scared and a little mad that the kids were not participating in this important event. We learned that this was a lot of hard work. We both thought if we had the idea in our head, then everything would go perfectly. That didn't really happen. 

We have not dropped off the food yet. We will drop it off at the end of the school year. Emillee is keeping the cans until the end of the semester at her place to collect more cans from family, shopping, and friends to get a greater amount of cans!

We hope that you participate in the next food drive!