Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Special Report #5

Brainssss! by Ava D and Chloe

Last week intermediate went to the gym to look at human organs.  They showed brains, livers, lungs, heart and bladder.  They compared lungs to lungs of people who smoked.  Did you know your heart was bigger than your hand?  We learned a lot from the visit to the gym.  We learned about what is in cigarettes and never to smoke, and the ingredients in alcohol.  We learned about the danger of heart diseases, and how smoke from cigarettes can affect your body.  Here is a video of where the body parts are.

Madrona Morning Broadcast by Aaron G and Grayson

Our school has a morning broadcast every friday morning where the 7th and 8th graders talk about thing we are doing at school.  First, the teachers choose different kids to be in the broadcast every time.  Second, they also explain the highlights of the week.  For example, this week we honor Dr. Seuss's birthday by having a Dr. Seuss week.  They also showed pictures of Dr. Seuss. They showed another video of the soleil and summit centers on the broadcast were we get to make a video about soleil and it went on the broadcast.  The broadcast is made so that every week the students can see the highlights and important events that are happening.  

Here is a link to our school’s broadcast: Madrona Morning Broadcast   

Brooklyn Bridge
By: Ezra and Aaron J


 On Tuesday, March 1st Soleil went to go see a play at the Seattle Children’s Theatre called Brooklyn Bridge. It was about a little girl who didn’t have a pen to do a project that was due the next day and she thought that was the reason she couldn’t write her report but really it was because she didn’t know what to write. I think it was really a good teaching experience. For one thing it showed that you should do your assignments before the day their due. Also don’t judge a book by it’s cover.

      In our Madrona courtyard, trees are blooming.
Spring is here! By Lucy and Saki
       In Madrona, spring has arrived. The sun has been coming out for a longer time each day. (Except for the spring storms.) Everybody in Soleil has been acting like our name, (our name means sun.) Along with the real sun.
All of the flowers are blooming, the first signs of spring. The daffodils have already poked through the ground. Now, everyone is excited to go to recess and play around. We also have another reason to be excited, spring also brings holidays like Easter. Spring brings cheers all around.In conclusion, everybody loves spring!

Name: Austin and alec
We have a short video of music here that will be played this week at  the Edmonds art festival  

This video is about the music at the edmonds art festival. The video shows a pieces of music  called AfterBurn.


This is what the slip of music look like that was in the video we played the people who are in the video are in orchestra. They will be in the concert.

Interview with Jeanice by Sid and Evelyn


1.   Why did you decide to be a teacher?
Jeanice: I have always wanted to be a teacher, and I came from a family of teachers. I like working with kids, and I want kids to love learning.  

  2.  What is your favorite thing about being a teacher?
Jeanice: I enjoy introducing kids to good books.

  3. What is the hardest thing about being a teacher?
Jeanice: The hardest thing would probably be long work hours.

  4. What do you like about the classroom you teach in?
Jeanice: The great students, supportive parents, and nice teaching partners.

  5. What is your favorite thing about teaching at Madrona school?

Jeanice: My favorite thing would probably be the friendly staff and community.

1 comment:

Lucy and Saki said...

I like the detail in all of these posts.The writers described their topics very well, and the photos were clear.